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Eliminating worlds and their defenders at a quick pace awards you with newer and even better weapons and the upgrades for them. Each run completed by Not Dying and collecting Meta-Currency™ means even more options for the next one. Every card unlocked works on every weapon, synergises upgrades to create powerful builds.

Each weapon has four tiers of quality, distinguished by the background colour of the weapon in its inventory slot. From weakest to strongest, they are: Normal (Bronze); =Excellent= (Silver); *Masterwork* (Gold); and Quooz-Made (Gem), with the colours used matching those of the corresponding medal qualities. Normal weapons come from destroyed planets. Three of the same weapon from the same tier automatically combine into the upgraded version in the next tier, occupying the earliest inventory slot.

There are thirteen weapons currently in the game. They are:
Ice Shard

Each weapon has a base cooldown between attacks, which is represented in seconds per attack. The attack speed stat is multiplied by the inverse of this value to get the actual attacks made per second. Each attack, the weapon fires a certain number of projectiles, which is determined by the base value for that weapon, added to the number provided by Multi-Shot. Each projectile does damage, with the weapon multiplying that damage by a fixed percentage, based on the type and quality of weapon. That damage can crit or blunder, with the resultant damage being affected accordingly. This damage can apply elemental effects and deal knockback. The projectile can also benefit from bounce and pierce, which allows it to impact more enemies before expiring. It can also expire due to running out of integrity, which is consumed over time so long as the projectile exists. Each projectile also has a maximum speed. So long as the projectile has enough velocity, it will travel at maximum speed, decelerating below that threshold until its velocity fully depletes.